The 1955–1962 Blackhawks are known today as the 'Flattop' models, because their adjustable rear sights were not protected by 'ears' extending up from the frame as later became standard. According to popular legend, Ruger was able to field a.44 Magnum revolver at nearly the same time as Smith & Wesson due to a Ruger employee finding expended.44 Magnum cartridge cases at a scrapyard and deducing that Smith & Wesson was about to launch a new cartridge. Ruger achieved wide popularity with this firearm in a hotly anticipated new cartridge, which was both cheaper and more readily available than the revolver. In 1956, as was introducing the new, Ruger quickly developed a variant of the Blackhawk in the new cartridge. Chambered for the, the Blackhawk was a simple and strong design, and it sold well. The Single-Six proved to be a popular seller, leading Ruger to develop and market a revolver similar to the Single Action Army: the Ruger Blackhawk. In 1953, the new firm of Sturm, Ruger & Company introduced the, a single-action revolver. Had discontinued the iconic prior to, and few single-action revolvers were available to meet market demand for cowboy-style revolvers. History In the early 1950s, were popular in movies and television.Ruger and his fine firearms, so lots of folks must figure we're the guys to ask about that Old Model Super Blackhawk from the pawn shop or dad's old. We gets lots of questions about old Rugers.It should be fairly obvious to our readers by now that we are great fans of William B. Ruger.357 magnum ser# 025-61301 date, ruger blackhawk 357 serial numbers, ruger blackhawk serial numbers, ruger dates of manu, ruger dates of manufacture. ( if I understand correctly ) Since it is a pre warning barrel it was made prior to 1978 and new models were made after 1973. I recently picked up a new model blackhawk in 45 long colt.